Can someone say "iPod Commercial"
Can someone say "iPod Commercial"
It was ok,
some parts of the video needed some work, sound was alittle bit distorted to hear what your characters were going to say.
Keep it up.
It was funny, but graphics were lame
This video has to be the best thing since Scrotum
VERY WELL DONE, Not the best in graphics, but we'd all like to see zero wing this way!
This proves Firths work is not just for autumn.
One thing I have to admit is dave has the mind of Wes Craven, Clive Barker, Steven King, and TIM BURTON all put together with a Hannibal Lector twist
Bring on more dave, especially your Burn't Face Man
And Thus, the 64bit world was born
Leave the comedy to Mr. L Jackson
Bad parody............nothing about computers, on top of that, it absolutey made no sence. At least explain the story in your comments.
I know this is a preview, but-
You know when you submit the full work it has to be 5MB or less? Nice job though.
I know :(, I'll manage this somehow
This is the most smoothest flash's yet!
Very sharp, smooth, and professionally done.
Im a computer graphics specialist who works in 2D and 3D animation, web page logo, posters, mugs, etc. But I now work for the cable company squawking to customers on how to get online.
Age 40, Male
Shelton, CT
Joined on 5/18/00