View Profile KnuxTE

65 Movie Reviews

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I liked how it began, but could of you done more?

I mean you could of added 4 suspectable outcomes,

Newgrounds is ran by terrorists?
Newgrounds is ran by hot topic?
Newgrounds only has 2GB of space?
Newgrounds animations are sold?

Im suggesting you please add in a thieses to your conspiricy

CountPoopoo responds:

I agree with you, but I got sorta lazy. If I ever remake it, I'll include much more.

This flash was really bad

1. There is no plot of why you wasted your time putting a rats storyline in tha dosent go with the story of why you should not litter

2. Your music is not streamed

3. No point to put music into this video at this quality

4. this video should be optimized


I Actually agree with Invision, You have a unique style of animation (fast paced) which alot of action based flash movies are missing. But you go too fast in your story, I suggest you should slow it down a bit, I had to rewatch it 4 times to understand it. and you should possibly consider some voice actors. Another thing I wish you could do is try to use better music than MIDI. The listen to some enigma, (just dont go Romeo Must Die)

jublin responds:

Thanks man, i know what youre saying too fast. That's how I am though. Hard to keep up eh? No but I get you. The music us mine and I didn't want any real actual music and I was also staying away from dialogue too. I'll hook you up on the next one dude. For sure.


Just Like they said in "MEN IN BLACK-

"Elvis aint dead, He Just went home."

KCB responds:


Nice Story, But Needs work

You did a nice job on the story line, animation and story where balanced nicely. BUT I hated how you looped "Romeo Must Die" over and over to the point where I started to hate it. I dont think you tried hard enough to work on the music- Do yourself a favor and get some audio editing software. Learn to do some sound mixing, and combine it to the music. In flash make the audio stream , so IF THE USER PAUSES THE VIDEO THE MUSIC STOPS PLAYING. Anyways keep working on it.

your animation will not be forgotten

Your animation is action-packed and is worth seeing. the lighting given off your character inspires other animators.... including me.

Finally something spanish class finally paid off

I cant wait till mars conspiracy hits in english, and hopefully later you guys could do a DVD!

Im a computer graphics specialist who works in 2D and 3D animation, web page logo, posters, mugs, etc. But I now work for the cable company squawking to customers on how to get online.

Ryan Lohman @KnuxTE

Age 40, Male


Shelton, CT

Joined on 5/18/00

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